Please Note: Hillington Church has had to suspend public worship on safety grounds following two separate incidents where plaster has fallen from a wall and ceiling; the organ has sustained some damage.  There is currently no public access to the church, and it is closed temporarily while work is carried out. Worship continues in other churches in the Group.

There is a Eucharist Service every Thursday morning at Sandringham at 10am. All welcome.
Lectio Divina
Lectio Divina is an ancient way of reflecting on scripture an hearing God’s voice. 11 - 11.30am (after 10am Holy Communion) on the following Thursdays:
March 27th
April 3rd
April 10th

Please also see the Events page of the website for details of Heacham and Rising Deanery
services throughout Lent

Sunday 30th March – The Fourth Sunday of Lent, Mothering Sunday
09.15     Holy Communion at Trinity Hospital
11.00     Group Service - Mothering Sunday with Parade at West Newton

Sunday 6th April – The Fifth Sunday of Lent (Passiontide begins)
09.15     Holy Communion at Hillington CANCELLED
11.00     Holy Communion at Sandringham
17.00     Evensong at West Newton
Readings: Isa 43.16-21; John 12.1-8

Sunday 13th April – Palm Sunday
09.15     Mattins at Wolferton
11.00     Mattins at Castle Rising
17.00     Holy Communion at Flitcham
Readings: Isa 50. 4-9; Luke 22.14-23

Holy Monday – 14th April
19.00     Holy Communion at Flitcham
Readings: Isa. 42.1-9; John 12.1-11

Holy Tuesday – 15th April
19.00     Holy Communion at Wolferton
Readings: Isa. 49.1-7; John 12.20-36

Holy Wednesday – 16th April
19.00     Tenebrae at Docking (Please note change)

Thursday 17th April – Maundy Thursday
10.00     Holy Communion at Sandringham
19.00     Holy Communion, Washing of the Feet, Stripping of the Altar and Watch at West Newton
Readings: tba

Friday 18th April – Good Friday
08.15     Pilgrimage and Stations of the Cross leaving from Hillington (Please note change)
11.00     Readings, hymns and anthems at the Cross at West Newton (Please note change)
Readings: tba

Saturday 19th April – Holy Saturday
21.00     The Lighting of the Easter Fire, the Vigil and First Communion of Easter at Sandringham
Readings: tba

Sunday 20th April – Easter Day
09.15     Family Service at West Newton
11.00     Holy Communion at Sandringham
17.00     Evening Service at Hillington CANCELLED
Readings: Acts 10.34-43; Luke 24.1-12

Sunday 27th April – The Second Sunday of Easter (The First Sunday after Easter)
09.15     Holy Communion at Castle Rising
11.00     Family Service at Flitcham
11.00     Mattins at Sandringham
17.00     Holy Communion at Wolferton
Readings: Acts 5.27-32; John 20.19-31

For further information about services please contact the church wardens:
Castle Rising
( or
Flitcham ( or
Hillington (
Sandringham (
West Newton ( or
Wolferton ( or